Friday, May 22, 2009

Here is a little more detail. Still working though.... 

I plan to get lots done this holiday weekend!!! 

Yes, it does have something to do with my new novel. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hi everyone. Yes, still here and still finding little time to work on my own art. Being a graphic designer for a living leaves little room for one's own projects but that is just the way it is until one's own projects begin to pay all the 

Anyhoo... I am okay with that. I actually enjoy doing both. It gives me perspective when I step away from one or the other only helping me along in my learning processes. 

This sketch here is only a close up of a larger one I am working on. I won't reveal its final form until it is completer though. 

Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Collision of sketch and computer

This is what happens when your sketchbook meets your computer....

Practicing and Relaxing

Well, its been a while since I picked up an actual sketch pad and pencil. It seems lately all I do is computer vector art. Its great for income but it really makes me miss the feel of the actual drawing process. So finally, I get to relax and re-aquaint myself with my drawing tools. Here is just something I started last night and will continue today. Although there is no purpose for it, it puts me in that nice art zone that I so love to be in. 

In the painting Zone

Any artist will tell you there is no better place to be than the ZONE. This weekend I worked all sorts of hours and it felt like no time at ...