Saturday, May 29, 2010

My Evil Clown

My latest creation for my novel. I used my big drawing pad for this one too and I have to say, I love the 'kraft' paper look of it. It looks dirty and will fit right in with my 'trashy' novel. You will see where I am going with this soon don't worry ;)

I finally used real drawing pencils to shade and I found it is much easier. The set I used are called Mars Lumograph by Staedtler. There are 12 of them - 6B 5B 4B 3B 2B B HB F H 2H 3H 4H. I never realized what a difference the hardness of the graphite makes. I love it when I pick up a product that has been around forever and finally use it then say WOW at the potential it unlocks for me. It's one of those a-ha moments. I will continue to upload artwork from my 'trashy' novel. Hoping for some feedback though! Any silent lurkers out there please feel free to comment. I share with you to hear your opinions. Thanks for helping me out!


In the painting Zone

Any artist will tell you there is no better place to be than the ZONE. This weekend I worked all sorts of hours and it felt like no time at ...