Good Morning. Yesterday, I finally put a piece of mixed media art together. I am incorporating my 'crazy' lady sketch into it and will be oil painting her with some new paint sticks I am trying out. (Thank you Kelly Rae Roberts for the inspiration) Here is the first stage of the work. Nothing is glued down or gessoed yet but the general composition is put together and I must say, it is a great feeling to have started something I am excited about. I am really enjoying the process of the collage. The theme here is the state of the USA is in. "Chaos" In Kelly's book "Taking Flight" she encourages you to go with what your 'whispers' are saying to you. Well, I am going more with the shouts my soul is yelling at me when I see the state of our country today as I watch the constitution disappear. I never really took too much notice in politics but how can you not right now? It is affecting everyone so deeply. I was really affected when I saw some of my writer friends not being able to speak about their own book's subject when being invited to a school! It was about a holiday!!! So much for freedom of speech and diversity we used to celebrate in America. And to think... this is only the beginning. So sad. Anyway, I digress.... here is stage one of my newest piece of art. Stage 2 will be up later today. Thanks for Reading!!!!!
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