Monday, March 23, 2009

Still sketching and thinking

You know, it seems like every day I am thinking, dreaming, creating while living my life and I have to say, there is no better way to live. I enjoy and use every second of every day. I have been taking my sketchbook along with me to every appointment or errand I go on because every moment matters. I have found myself sketching mostly in Doctor offices since that has been my main taxi duty this early spring. If one of the kids aren't sick my cat needs to go for shots. It is unbelievable how much sketching time I am able to pick up just waiting in rooms. Here is a little piece I sketched while waiting and thinking. I have another appointment to go to with someone tomorrow so I will have another for you then. Until then, let me know what you think of this guy. He kinda reminds me of all the thinking, dreaming, and creating while waiting I have been doing.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Although this isn't a drawing, I had to put it up to show everyone. I went to the beach today with my little girls to search for sea glass only to find this adorable grey seal sunning herself on the beach. Isn't she gorgeous!!! I love living in Rhode Island!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hello. I am posting some of my digital art tonight. I sketched directly on my tablet computer and used photoshop to digitally paint the image. I had so much fun doing this and I look forward to many more like this. I have decided to go ahead and illustrate my current book with this style. 

I am trying very hard to focus on my art while the rest of the world including the USA is falling apart around me. I feel there is not too much I can do to stop the free fall we are in which makes me extremely uncomfortable. I just thank God I have my art to keep me afloat. It is not only a GREAT skill to have when work is scarce but it also helps to escape into my own pretend worlds while I create them. I can remember as a child going into my own worlds with my pencils. I never imagined I would still be doing it as an adult. Again, thanks so much for following my sketch blog and I look forward to any comments. 

In the painting Zone

Any artist will tell you there is no better place to be than the ZONE. This weekend I worked all sorts of hours and it felt like no time at ...