Friday, January 9, 2009

My EDM Weekly Challenge Drawing

Hmmm.... this one was interesting. As you know I joined the 'Every Day Matters' group. In this group the leader assigns an object per week out of your 'everyday' life to draw. This week it was a soda can. I have to say, if it wasn't for this challenge, I would NEVER have continued this drawing once I started it. It looked easy enough but when it came down to it, shiny metallic is not the easiest thing to draw with a regular pencil. Eventually my eyes adjusted to the shadowing and I managed to find the depth of the can. Not one of my best but I am better because of it! 


  1. I think it's great that you persevered despite your misgivings (btw - no need for any!!) I have never been able to see anything that I see through my own eyes in black and white so really struggle with monotone sketching and avoid it like the plague!

  2. Very nice :) As you practise more you'll figure out the best techniques to do it... and perseverance always pays off :)

  3. Very nice. I find the easiest looking things are the hardest to draw. You did good!

  4. You're so right about the difficulty of depicting metallic material, so congratulations on sticking with it.


In the painting Zone

Any artist will tell you there is no better place to be than the ZONE. This weekend I worked all sorts of hours and it felt like no time at ...